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It’s Monday again already?  Ah, so it is. . .or so my clock that ticks out good old Standard Time tells me!

This week’s Monday Joy will be a tad different from the last one.  I am going to draw your attention to some individual posts that I found either hilarious, or interesting, or some of both!  In any case, make sure you click on the links provided, read, subscribe, and enjoy!

Not Quite Old started me laughing one day last week, and I haven’t quit yet!  You are sure to enjoy this well-written post about one of her embarrassing moments as a teenager.  It’s a good thing she can laugh now, because all the rest of us are!  Read, subscribe, enjoy!

Nancy Hatch of Spirit Lights the Way put up a terrific YouTube video this past week that is well worth watching, and then passing it on!  In the video we are given some very simple facts – which should be obvious to all of us – but which are unfortunately either unknown or ignored.  Make sure to visit this post today – even if you have seen it before.  It bears repeating! Read, subscribe, learn, and enjoy!

Patti’s “Repost Repast” in her blog “Read Me,” gives you the bare facts.  A wonderful post about birdwatching and “other” watching – even what you would rather not have to watch!  Read, subscribe, enjoy!


Something tells me I have left out one of the posts I was going to highlight!  If I told you in a comment that I was going to put in a link to your post or blog on today’s “Monday Joy,” then please let me know.  I need to stop relying on what used to be my good memory, and start writing things down.  I’m afraid, however, that will be like writing out my grocery list, and then leaving it at home when I go to the grocery store!  Oh well. . .

BTW – if I have not yet mentioned your blog here on Monday Joy, please don’t feel left out!  This is only the third week, after all – and I have hundreds of blogs and/or posts to recommend.  Every blog I read is worth mentioning – so click and visit any of the blogs on my blogroll!

Hope this is the beginning of a wonderful week, wherever you are, and that it is filled, as always, with the abundance of enough. . .