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A letter and a word – it joins “a” in that respect, but “I” has so much more meaning and carries so much more weight.  (At least when it’s capitalized.  When not, it’s just an eccentricity, or a typo!)  Have you ever tried to carry on a conversation without using the capital “I?”  Even if you are not self-absorbed, it can be difficult.  But I digress. . .

Today’s word is actually a collection of words, all beginning with “ia-.”  Except for a couple of other words that begin the same way, (iamb, ianthine, and probably a few others), these words would all be listed together as variations on the “ia” theme.  The prefix has to do with medicine and medical practitioners.  In many names of medical specialties, you will find the “ia” as either the beginning or somewhere in the middle of the word, for instance, psych
iatrist, pediatrician, or podiatrist.

 (ī-ăt-rō or ī-ā-trō) prefix (usually), relating to a physician or medicine. From the Greek word iatros meaning physician or healer.  The word iatrician, or any of its permutations, is seldom used today.  Easier to say doctor, I suppose!  Anyway, here’s a handy-dandy chart of some of the words you might like to know to impress or puzzle your own physician (My own astute comments are in red italics):


study of remedies – A wise course of study for any good physician.


relating to the curing of diseases by means of unguents –Is there a specialty in that?  I haven’t been able to find “iatralipticians” in the Yellow Pages.


medical negligence – Otherwise known as malpractice – or the ever-popular practice of litigious medicine.


government by physicians My God!  Can you imagine?  Did anyone ever really conceive of this?


application of chemistry to medical theory –Sounds like a good idea, as long as the chemistry referred to is the kind that an actor and actress have on film.  I mean, who wouldn’t want to be healed through the good chemistry certain to be produced between me and James McAvoy?


induced inadvertently by medical treatment –I suppose that could go either way.  Malpractice or canonization.


treatise or text on medical topics – A volume that has become far too large for anyone to know or even read through – particularly any one physician.  As new stuff is added daily, I suggest you beware a single opinion.


archaic practice of medicine in conjunction with astrology – I didn’t know the practice was archaic!  Isn’t that what a lot of medical practice is today?


fear of going to the doctor – In other words, “just plain old common sense.”

When I started this Wednesday meme, I told you that sometimes the photo for the day would not be related to the word for the day. This is one of those Wednesdays. As I mentioned yesterday, we are having unseasonably warm weather here in the mountains of western North Carolina. While walking Princess this morning, I noticed these tiny flowers that have sprouted up all over our yard. I’m sure they are weeds, but they are exquisite, and also VERY TINY. Each blossom is about 1 mm in width – I kid you not! I hope you see the beauty in them, too.

Oh – I couldn’t resist posting a “couple of” photos of Zoë!  Do you blame me?

I continue to wish you all, my Gentle Readers, enough. . .

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(WordPress was working some sort of voodoo magic on my site today.  i apologize for the variety of fonts and font sizes.  Believe me, as far as I know, it is not of my doing.  I wrote, and posted in the same manner as always, and this is what I got.)

(Words and definitions for my “Wednesday’s Word and Picture” posts are most often found at the following highly-recommended site:  Phrontistery )